Many children experience soiling, daywetting or bedwetting symptoms beyond the age that they would be expected to be dry. Often children with daywetting symptoms will also experience bedwetting.
Bedwetting can be caused by many factors including:
- Decreased bladder capacity
- Increased urine production at night
- Poor arousal from sleep
Your child may never have been dry at night for more than a couple of months or some children may suddenly change from being dry at night to wetting again. In the latter case, constipation or a significant change in the child’s life may have contributed to triggering the return of bedwetting symptoms. There is often a family history of bedwetting.
Daywetting is commonly caused by a bladder that may be ‘overactive’ or ‘underactive’ or doesn’t empty completely. This causes a change in the bladder’s ability to work correctly and needs to be addressed.
The following factors may contribute to daywetting:
- Poor fluid intake
- Frequent voiding associated with a high level of urgency
- Highly caffeinated drinks
- Delaying voiding (‘holding on’)
- Constipation
Your child will not be able to control these accidents so it is important that they are not punished for soiling or wetting.
It is important to look out for signs of constipation as this may impact the ability to gain continence and needs to be addressed.
Constipation can contribute to a child’s wetting and soiling. Signs that your child may be constipated are:
- Soiling
- Hard stools that may be painful to pass
- A decrease in the frequency of bowel motions
- Refusal to go to the toilet
As the bowel may have stretched over time it will mean your child may not feel the need to pass a bowel motion and will not get any warning that soiling may occur.
Occasionally these issues can be caused by structural problems in which case your child may be required to see a paediatrician or other medical specialist.
Physiotherapists who specialize in continence and pelvic floor conditions can assist with these childhood conditions. Assessment of fluid intake, bladder and bowel habits and toileting techniques can all play a role in the treatment of bedwetting, daywetting or soiling.
If you require any assistance please contact Capital Clinic Physiotherapy for individual assessment.